On a billboard we see an image of a night-time recording session, which took place in the very same park in which the billboard is posted. We not only see a scene as perceived in a movie, we also see how it was made. It is as if we are watching a play in real-time, but we can also see behind the scenes, where we discover that the décor is made of cardboard. Sarah & Charles reveal the lamps needed to illuminate the nocturnal set, the tripods and the smoke emanating from a machine. This ‘making of’ is a nod to the work of Federico Fellini and du-plicates the reality we perceive. The image is a still, which suggests a movie, but we do not see a movie, because it only exists in our imagina-tion or memory
commisioned by kunst- en architectuurmanifestatie Facade Middelburg 2012 (NL) curated by Thom Schaar in collabortation with Britt Guns, Fotorama and Untitled Production